Bike Rack

Can You Go Through A Car Wash With Bike Rack Installed? Bike Racks and Car Washes

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Imagine this scenario: You have recently completed a lengthy bike ride and your bicycle is now caked in mud and dirt. You require to clean it, but you also need to wash your vehicle. So can you go through a car wash with a bike rack installed? Is it safe?

In this blog post, we will discuss the potential risks and damage to the bike rack, different types of bike racks and car washes, factors to consider, manufacturer recommendations, alternative cleaning methods, and precautions to take.

In short: going through a car wash with bike rack installed is not recommended as it can damage the bike rack, the bike, and your car, however, there are always other options stay tuned for those later in our article.

Potential Risks and Damage to Bike Rack

The first thing to consider is the potential risks and damage to the bike rack. Having a bike rack installed may lead to the perilous outcome of both the car and the bike rack being damaged if the car is taken through a car wash.

The high-pressure water and strong chemicals used in most car washes can damage the bike rack’s finish and even weaken the welds or joints. Additionally, the bike rack can scratch or dent the car’s paint. Furthermore, going through a car wash with a bike rack installed can also damage the bike itself.

During the car wash, the bicycle may get jostled around, resulting in scratches or dents, and its parts could also sustain damage or become loose. Thus it is not advisable to drive through a car wash with a bike rack mounted on the car as it can potentially harm both the bike and the bike rack, as well as mar or scrape the car’s paint.

Types of Bike Racks and Car Washes

Diverse varieties of bike racks are known, including roof racks, hitch racks, and trunk racks. The suitability of going through a car wash depends on the type of bike rack you possess.

Roof racks are the most vulnerable to damage, as they are exposed to the full force of water and chemicals. Hitch racks and trunk racks are more protected but still run the risk of damage.

Diverse car wash options are available as well, including touchless car washes, soft-touch car washes, and self-serve car washes.

Touchless car washes use high-pressure water to clean the car, while soft-touch car washes use brushes or cloths. Self-serve car washes allow you to clean the car yourself using a pressure washer or hose.

Moreover, the type of car wash you pick also plays a role in determining whether you can proceed with a bike rack attached.

Touchless car washes are the safest option, as they do not come into contact with the car or bike rack. Soft-touch car washes can cause damage to the bike rack and car.

Factors to Consider

Before determining whether to go through a car wash with a bike rack installed, numerous considerations must be taken into account.

Factors that can impact the outcome include the specific type of bike rack and car wash used, also the state of the bike rack, the age of the bike, as well as level of cleanliness desired.

If you have a new bike rack or a high-end bike, it’s best to avoid car washes altogether and clean the bike and car separately.

In case you own an older bike or bike rack, you might be able to go through a touchless car wash; however, it’s crucial to verify the manufacturer’s guidelines beforehand.

Additionally, if the weather conditions are particularly harsh, with a lot of salt or debris on the road, it’s best to clean the bike and car separately to avoid damage.

In the end, if the desired level of cleanliness is not too demanding, it might be more prudent to wash the bike and car separately rather than chancing harm to either one.

Manufacturer Recommendations

Each bike rack manufacturer will have their own recommendations when it comes to using a car wash. It’s important to check the manufacturer’s guidelines before taking your bike and car through a car wash. Some manufacturers may recommend avoiding car washes altogether, while others may recommend only using touchless car washes, or specific car washes that they have tested and approved.

Additionally, some manufacturers may recommend removing the bike rack before going through a car wash, to avoid any potential damage to the bike rack or bike.

Strictly adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines is crucial in guaranteeing the safety of both your bike and bike rack.

Alternative Cleaning Methods

If going through a car wash with a bike rack installed is not recommended or not possible, there are alternative cleaning methods.

One option is to clean the bike and car separately using a hose and bucket of soapy water. This method allows you to clean the bike and car thoroughly without risking damage to either.

An alternative option is to utilize a bike wash station, which is intended explicitly for cleaning bikes. These stations usually have high-pressure hoses and brushes that are safe for bike components and finishes.

Certain car washes feature bike wash stations, which can be a convenient alternative if you need to wash both your bike and car simultaneously.

Precautions to Take

If you choose to go through a car wash with a bike rack attached, there are several precautions you can take to minimize the chances of damage. These include:

  • Choosing a touchless car wash
  • Removing the bike from the bike rack, if possible
  • Ensuring the bike rack is securely attached to the car
  • Covering the bike rack with a protective film or cloth to minimize the risk of damage
  • Checking the bike and bike rack for any damage before and after the car wash


Can I go through a car wash with a roof-mounted bike rack?

It’s not advisable to drive through a car wash with a roof-mounted bike rack because the high-pressure water and chemicals can potentially harm the bike rack and bike.

Can I go through a touchless car wash with a hitch-mounted bike rack?

Yes, it’s generally safe to go through a touchless car wash with a hitch-mounted bike rack.

Can I go through a soft-touch car wash with a trunk-mounted bike rack?

It’s not recommended to go through a soft-touch car wash with a trunk-mounted bike rack, as the brushes or cloths can damage the bike rack and car.


In conclusion, it is not recommended to drive through a car wash with a bike rack in place due to the potential harm it can inflict on both the bike rack and bike, as well as the car’s paint.

Nevertheless, if you decide to proceed with a bike rack attached, taking precautions and strictly following the manufacturer’s instructions is essential to decrease the probability of damage.

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